Universal matt bottle mockup. You can paste your own label design and change color of the cap. Mockup is prepared in high resolution.
Universal glossy bottle mockup. You can paste your own label design and change color of the cap. Mockup is prepared in high resolution.
Universal amber bottle mockup. You can paste your own label design and change color of the cap. Mockup is prepared in high resolution.
Universal transparent bottle mockup. You can paste your own label design and change color of the cap. Mockup is prepared in high resolution.
Straight glossy bottle with wooden cap mockup. Prepared with ability to change bottle project. Cap texture cannot be changed.
Clear mineral water bottle mockup made in high resolution. You can paste your own label design and change color of the cap and liquid.
Clear mineral water bottle mockup made in high resolution. You can paste your own label design and change color of the cap and liquid.
Nail polish bottle mockup. Changing nail polish color is simple and fast. You can also adjust the color of the cap as well as put your label design.
Olive oil bottle mockup prepared in high resolution. Label covers entire bottle, so you can customize it’s shape. Organized layer and colourized layer setup.
Glass matt foundation bottle mockup prepared in high resolution. Project has two coatings: regular paper and metallic varnish. Shadows are on separate layer.
Small aroma bottle mockup prepared with ability to change project of the label and cap’s color. Mockup is prepared in high resolution.
Pharmaceutical glass bottle used as packaging for sirups, pills and other medical products. Mockup prepared with an option for an easy change of the cap and project color.
Universal cosmetic bottle, used for packaging of shampoos, conditioners, gels and other hygiene cosmetics. The mockup was prepared so as to allow for adding any color to both the bottle and the cap.
Glossy aerosol most commonly used in the cosmetics industry. Such bottle usually can be found as a popular deodorant. Although it may be used for other packaging designs as well.
Glass matt foundation bottle mockup prepared in high resolution. Project has two coatings: regular paper and metallic varnish. Shadows are on separate layer.
Universal shampoo bottle, used for packaging of shampoos, and conditioners, gels and other hygiene cosmetics. The mockup was prepared so as to allow for adding any color to both the bottle and the cap.
Square parfume bottle mockup prepared in high resolution. Color of each element can be changed, shadows can be turned off and project can be easily replaced.
Transparent soap bottle mockup. You can change color of the pump and the soap. Mockup is prepared in high resolution and is easy to use.